Welcome to our Educational Homestead, where children experience immersive, project-based learning, focused on resilient ecosystems, self-sufficiency, and sustainability.

Nature serves as our classroom, and connection forms the heart of our curriculum!

Nature Connection

Creating a deep and personal connection between our children and the natural world

We provide immersive nature experiences aimed at cultivating deep connections and fostering lifelong learning habits through project-based methods. Our approach encourages children to engage their senses fully as we guide them in exploring the natural world, where nature acts as their primary teacher, sparking curiosity and wonder.

Through hands-on activities, we delve into methodologies that support sustainable ecosystems. From growing our own food to embracing regenerative practices and understanding community resilience, children develop a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things.

By observing the beautiful cycle of seasons through our plantings, children witness the myriad changes in their environment, both significant and subtle. We honor seasonal turning by celebrating earth-based festivals throughout the year, renewing our awareness of our deep connection with the earth and its rhythms.

Through nurturing connections with food, seasons, animal care, the environment, local traditions, and culture, children cultivate a healing and reciprocal relationship with the land.

About US

Our core principles are centered around a commitment to earth-focused land stewardship.

We use permaculture as a tool for learning how to be in right relationship to a place while also contributing to processes of indigenization and liberation from colonialism. Permaculture is deeply rooted in the ancient, fertile soil of indigenous knowledge. By educating ourselves and taking action to support indigenous-led initiatives, we can help create a more just and equitable world for all.

We strive to share the profound teachings of nature, Recognizing the importance of reciprocity, we guide children to appreciate the value of giving back to nature and living in balance with it.


Our mission is to cultivate a deep and personal connection between children and the natural world. By encouraging them to explore and interact with nature, we aim to nurture their inner wisdom.

We are dedicated to facilitating healing in environmental, social, and cultural realms while embracing diversity within our community. By honoring the unique perspectives and visions of each child, we aspire to inspire a new generation of compassionate leaders.

Our teaching is deeply rooted in community values, with service at the heart of our program. We believe in giving back to the land that sustains us by caring for the soil, the animals, the water, the forests, and each other.

Where we play

Qualicum: Where the Dog Salmon Run

As we live, work, and learn on the Coast Salish Territory and shared land of the Snaw'naw'as and Qualicum First Nations, we express our heartfelt gratitude and deep respect for their continued stewardship of these lands and waters, and recognize their deep cultural and spiritual connection to this territory.

We are committed to standing in solidarity with Indigenous organizers to uplift and empower Indigenous and racialized communities. Through collaborative efforts, we seek to raise awareness of the enduring impacts of colonialism and to actively promote resistance against its injustices

Sharing Circles  *  Gratitude Share  *  Sit Spot  *  Wandering *   Compassionate Listening

Nature Journal  * Herbal Medicine  *  Foraging  *  Gardening  *   Food Preserving